
Hello from suburbia, everything is fine here… what goats?

Hi, I'm Rachel (preferred pronouns "she, her, hers"). Welcome to my blog. I'm not sure how you found your way here but I'm glad you did. Greetings to you and yours from my tiny corner of the internet.

I'm an unapologetically black female Muslim mama of two, living in the suburbs and dreaming of being a farmer. By day I work in tech, but I'm not technical. I help incubation and innovation teams talk about their products, define their value props, and clarify their stories. By night, I read about homesteading and livestock, and make plans to leverage every last square foot of our property to make it super productive for our family, friends, and community.

I started this Halal Homestead project primarily as a mechanism for learning. As you read my posts, I think it will become quite clear how much I love to roll up my sleeves and dig into research. When I find beneficial information, I don't like it to go to waste; so this blog is my way of sharing what I find and contributing to the amazing body of knowledge about homesteading that is expanding daily. Our family is starting our homesteading journey from scratch, and we will undoubtedly be experiencing all of the ups and downs associated with building something from nothing.

As I learn from others, I'll share what I've learned. And perhaps, someone in the future might benefit from what I share.

Thanks for sticking around this long to read all of that. Now onward… to goats, chickens, and farm-life in suburbia.